Display Installations

Perhaps you are thinking that your church or organization would benefit by having its own Visio Divina Display. That is wonderful! Photon Farms loves to share it's beautiful produce and bless others. Keep the following in mind:
  1. All the produce on the farm is freely given and never for sale.
  2. The cards chosen for your organization's display can be tailored for what would appeal to its members. For example, while images featuring Mary might be embraced by some, others would be less comfortable with them. No worries, simply chose the images that would bless your people... click here to see the ones that the farm is currently growing.
  3. The farm doesn't stock infinite supplies of cards or the displays, we beg your patience as we grow more to fulfill requests as they arrive.
  4. At our board's suggestion, included in the display are both donate cards and envelopes. Farmer Fred has been encountering generous souls who want to see this beautiful produce grow in other places and bless other people, and this 'paying it forward' is how that happens.
  5. All gifts are of course tax deductible, Photon Farms is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit.
  6. You can request a display for your organization by contacting Farmer Fred in the form at the right.

Thanks so much for your prayers and gifts! Farmer Fred really had no idea that the farm would grow like this and is completely surrendered to God on both the rate and the direction in which it continues to grow. 

Scroll down to see some of the installations that your generosity and prayers have already made possible. These installations help fulfill the mission of Photon Farms and we are blessed that you want to be a part of that!


St. Paul the Apostle of Grand Rapids, MI

Our most recent installation lovingly installed by a friend of the farmily. Much thanks to St. Paul Parishioner Katie! Her energy, creativity, enthusiasm and desire to share the beauty of our faith with others have made this a unique offering that displays our produce with the greatest appeal! Bravo!


Immaculate Heart of Mary's Adoration Chapel

This is really where the whole idea of an organized display developed. Before IHM, Farmer Fred had just been sowing these little seeds of blessing here and there on countertops and shelves in chapels and churches. The loving people that frequented the IHM Adoration chapel provided the first clear plastic display which Farmer Fred replicated in other locations over time. Here is what the display looked like in April of 2023. If you're ever at IHM of Grand Rapids, MI, you can see it for yourself!


St. Thomas the Apostle of Grand Rapids, MI

Father Jim has always been a fan of the little prayer cards we've grown on the farm. In fact, he has both provided and helped edit some of the suggested prayers included on them. Father Jim asked that I put them in the rack of pamphlets which was so very generous of him and encouraging to us all.


Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church Grand Rapids, MI

Farmer Fred's home congregation from 1984 to 2012, Oakdale Park is full of dear friends that still are deeply intertwined in his community life. Farmer Fred still attends there with his wife often and Pastor James Jones, one of our board members is a minister there.

As you can see from the cards present in this display, Farmer Fred is tuned into protestant sensibilities and their level of comfort with images of Jesus' Mother Mary. Many protestant congregations love to use images to support their private and public prayer life. Photon Farms has learned over the years how important this is and wants to help any and every willing congregation, no matter their denominational affiliation, to integrate the use of such visual aids.


Our Lady of Sorrows, Grand Rapids, MI

This is where the Farmer attends on any given Sunday at noon. He helps Sister Lucia by putting some nice acoustic bass under her 12 stringed acoustic guitar as she leads the liturgy. Farmer Fred goes to the Spanish Mass here in hopes to grow relationships with some of his own neighbors for he lives just around the corner.

Another aspect of attending the noon service is that there are parishioners who are adept at translating from English to Spanish and because of this the Farm is slowly growing Spanish versions of all of our cards.


Schaap Chapel - Hope College (St. Benedict Institute)

The St. Benedict Institute at Hope College ministers to the relatively large number of Catholic Students that attend there. They also promote gregarious dialogue between diverse religious traditions with which this Holland, Michigan Campus is blessed.

The co-founder of the Institute Dr. Ortiz was pleased to have our installation on display outside their chapel and I'm happy to say that when I arrived to restock it in April of 2024, most of the cards were gone! We at Photon Farms are always elated when our produce is consumed and appreciated.


Other Locations

Thanks to our board member Don, we have another small installation in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 

Of course, when Farmer Fred travels, which is quite often lately, he sows seeds of random cards left here and there at places of worship or with any individual that is open and receptive.

Remember to request your own display in the contact form on the right.


Remember, all produce on the farm is freely given
and never for sale. All donations to the farm
are tax deductible as we are a registered 501(c)(3).

If you've been blessed by our produce and would
love to make sure others get blessed too,
use the 'Donate' button below to pay it forward.

Fiscal Transparency / Produce Distributed

Contact Farmer Fred by clicking the ‘View Web Version’ 

link below. A form will appear in the right column 

when you do this which you can fill out to email him.

(This note is for phone browsers.)