
Farmer Fred is happy
you're here!
Thanks for stopping by the farm! This site is set up to be an outpouring of faith, hope and love.  You can learn more about the technical aspects of our mission here on the farm by clicking the 'About' tab above. 

This welcome page is set up to give you an overview of our daily operations. For over twenty five years the farm has been more and more focused on the light and growing in it. It has not been a smooth journey by any stretch of the imagination. You see, as we try to look steadily at the light and soak it up the weeds grow right up with the wheat in our very own hearts. Here on the farm we strive to deal with those weeds and nourish the wheat.

This website is intended to be a sharing of the light that has grown so many good things here on the farm.  What things you ask?  Well for starters it has grown...

Arrows of Light

Ponderings and wonderings appear here in the blog section.  Many old blog posts are being revamped and new thoughts about love and light, faith and hope, the good, the true and the beautiful are on the way. 

This portion of the site is very sporadic as life happens and prevents new blog posts from appearing for long stretches. It is called Arrows of Light because here on the farm we've become focused more on lighting a light than cursing the darkness. Arrows of Light is also a beautiful song by Bruce Cockburn.

Hopefully you will find the entries cast more light than heat and bring you a blessing.


Visio Divina

These images and prayers have been cross pollinating 

on the farm for years and have finally grown into 

a form that is easy to give away.

During quiet times, certain prayers seem to sprout up and cross pollinate with images I use as meditation tools. This is known as Visio Divina and is related to Lectio Divina.  In time these grow into little prayer cards that capture their essence. They get shared with others who resonate with their truth and beauty. Such people find them to be helpful focal points and reminders.

Sometimes these cards are left in places where people might appreciate them; like prayer chapels and such.  In fact you may have arrived at this site as a result of that.  In the Visio Divina section those little creations are explained a bit.  You may find it helpful to explore that.

These and other gifts are given freely to bless you.  Some of you (even before we obtained our non-profit status) have asked if you can give something in return.  Honestly, it had never occurred to us to allow this as we don’t desire any material profit from the books, prayer cards or other things shared. (See Photon Farms financial statement here.)

That being explained, in order to be capable of blessing more people, we humbly and gratefully accept your help. Your gifts are now tax-deductible if you’re inclined to do so, just click the ‘Donate’ link below.


Visio Divina Displays

Our Visio Divina Displays are starting to grow in more places now and we are happy to help you grow one in your own parish or organization. Click here to learn more about how to do that.


Building Bridges!

A special section of Visio Divina has developed as I've stumbled onto a tiny way to take to heart Jesus' prayer for all Christians to be one, as He and the Father are one (Jn 17:21).  One thing has led to another and I have found myself adapting a very old but beautiful devotion into something that can help all Christians obey the scriptures which repeatedly instruct us to meditate on God's word.  Since the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, these commands to meditate now include a special focus on Jesus Christ, The Living Word.

The story of how this is continuing to play out can be seen here at Building Bridges!.


Light My Way FM

So many musicians have shed light on the path.  For years this little radio station / playlist has taken root and grown on the farm. Closing in on 300 songs it spans decades, includes  diverse musical genres (if you're a one genre sort, you've been warned) and yet lyrically all of it never fails to lift up this humble farmer. Perhaps it will lift you up as well and like me, you’ll keep coming back for another listen... or better yet it will inspire you to make a station of your own.


Well, that's part of the story of the farm.  Your story is more important so please share it.  Please feel free to do so privately in the contact form at the right.

Blessings to you and yours,

Farmer Fred

"Light unshared is darkness."
-George MacDonald

Remember, all produce on the farm is freely given
and never for sale. All donations to the farm
are tax deductible as we are a registered 501(c)(3).

If you've been blessed by our produce and would
love to make sure others get blessed too,
use the 'Donate' button below to pay it forward. 

Fiscal Transparency / Produce Distributed

you may send a check to: 
Photon Farms, Inc.
PO Box 36
Grandville, MI 49468-0036

***Phone Browsers***

Contact Farmer Fred by clicking the ‘View Web Version’ 

link below. A form will appear in the right column 

when you do this which you can fill out to email him.