Greetings all artists, this page is for you! A special welcome to all who make beautiful visual art that draws us closer to God. We are awed at your gifts here on the farm as Farmer Fred is himself a humble layout artist of sorts. We are always amazed at the beauty of your work which we craft into various forms and distribute freely.
I say 'freely' because as a registered non-profit organization, Photon Farms literally gives them away as part of our Visio Divina initiative. (View our financials here.) Our intent is to promote the work of the artists and direct people to the greater body of their work whenever we possibly can.
Unfortunately, with only a few exceptions, it is almost impossible to track down the artist who created any particular image. When we do find them we always ask permission to continue spreading their good work around and we always link to their work on the web so people can support the artist directly.
Perhaps you are one of the artists who's work is represented in the prayer cards we distribute or which is posted on this website somewhere and you'd prefer we didn't do that. Please contact us in the form on the right we will remove your work immediately and stop distributing any associated prayer cards. If you'd prefer we continue distributing the prayer cards and display your work here on the web but would like me to link to your entire portfolio we’re happy to do that as well.
On the other hand, maybe you're an artist that doesn't see any of your work here but would love to have it promoted and distributed freely so as to lead people to your entire portfolio. We'd sure like a chance to at least consider that! Again, please reach us via the form on the right [Contact Farmer Fred].
Lastly, perhaps you've seen an image that we’re distributing and you know the artist behind the work. If you wouldn't mind putting us in touch with that person so we can converse with them that would just be perfect! Use the "Contact Farmer Fred" form on the right.
Remember, all produce on the farm is freely given
and never for sale. All donations to the farm
are tax deductible as we are a registered 501(c)(3).
If you've been blessed by our produce and would
love to make sure others get blessed too,
use the 'Donate' button below to pay it forward.