Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Femanemia and True Feminine Genius

Two recent blog launches have captured my attention. Both fight femanemia with their authentic feminine genius. I find them both incredibly refreshing for this reason. But first...

What is Femanemia?

Good question. It is a word I coined months ago to describe the lack of true feminine genius in our world today. It is like a body lacking in red blood cells or having red blood cells that aren't functioning properly to bring other cells the oxygen needed to thrive. This pretty much describes our world from the fall of mankind in the Genesis narrative until the present.

Femanemia has been caused by many forces which were predicted the day humans were deceived by the enemy into thinking God was holding out on them and couldn't be trusted. The day they rebelled against God. Woman, the clear and absolute crown of all creation in the narrative, became subjected to frustration, oppression and indignity. Her true feminine genius, (the red blood cells of humanity) has been compromised, ignored and despised ever since.

Mary consoling Eve and with the God-man she conceived, gestated,
birthed and nurtured crushing the forces of evil for ever and ever. Amen 

Mary the mother of Jesus is the champion and hope of restoring woman to her rightful role as the crown of all creation. Valiant and fearless, she embodies true feminine genius perfectly, braving all the rigors of motherhood and standing by her son through thin and thinner. Most Christians realize that she is also a symbol of the Church, the Bride of Christ; in the order of nature she is his mother, but in the order of heaven she and the rest of the Church are God's spouse. This is the heart of the gospel message for both Men and Women. We all have the womb of our souls in which we are to conceive, gestate and birth Christ into the world. Men fail to do this to their own detriment.

Femanemia is mostly the failure of men to give Mary and all women their due as the true apex of the created order. True masculine genius listens to and properly incorporates the feminine genius into the entire fabric of their lives.

This is why I'm elated to introduce to you these two new web launches:

Web Launch 1: Leeloo and Friends - Authentic Voices of the Feminine Genius

One was launched by my friend Seb's Sister Leeloo. She has begun curating quotes from many writers who exhibit authentic feminine genius. If you are happily a woman and want to contribute your xx genius to this site, she welcomes it. She is hoping each quote can be commented on by such as you. Visit her site by clicking here.

Web Launch 2: What Would Female Fetuses Say?

I've never seen anything like this new launch. I have no idea who Miriam is in real life, but I'd love to meet her and congratulate her for birthing a site that embodies the feminine genius to near perfection. She seems to channel Mary the mother of God's heroic love and compassion.

Miriam is a thirty something Connecticut mom who experienced much trauma, but like so many strong women has rebounded and wants to help others navigate their own trauma and the brain fog it can produce.

Her genius shines the brightest when she refuses to demonize people who get a little bit vulgar and pushy with their morality (i.e. the Vulgar Buzz Images she stumbled upon). Instead of naming them the 'morality police' she instead embraces them and tries to understand them. She is a prime example of someone who understands the shockingly tough mother love I spoke about in a previous post

Far from horibalizing The Vulgar Buzz images, like any good mom with a babbling toddler she just changes their "dirty diapers", translates their harsh infantile expressions and sends them off to play with a clean diaper.

Utter. Feminine. Genius.

Bravo Miriam! I wish you well and will do what I can to lead people to your shining example of feminine love.

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