Sunday, March 12, 2023

A Joyful Song for Lent

 Passing through the Eastern door of the Church allowed me to be exposed to so much beauty. I'm eternally grateful for it and treasure it in my heart often. The many songs of Lent and Easter still haunt my soul years after I've moved into the western fold.

In the Eastern (Byzantine) Church this particular hymn gets 'busted out' impromptu after many of the extra lenten services and people joyfully join in, belting it out with gusto. I can't explain how moving it is to be immersed in that kind of joy, it brings tears to my eyes just writing about it.

Anyway, I made a little slide show with an excellent female choir (Eikona) singing it. I hope it brings joy to you this lent and always.


For our Blessed Mother on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Year of Our Lord 2021.

Woodcut style icons: Virginia Broderick

Final icon of Theotokus of the Inexhaustible Cup: Ariane Trifunovic Montemuro (

All other icons from the web, please inform me of the artists if you know them and I'll give them credit here.

Music performed by Eikona on their album "Sacred Hymns of the Divine Liturgy"

Lyrics in English and Greek:

" O Pure Virgin" 

by St. Nectarios of Aegina 

Tone 5

(A, B, and C refer to the three distinct melodies within the hymn.)


O pure and virgin Lady,

O spotless Theotokos: 

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Virgin Queen and Mother

O dewy fleece most sacred:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


O height transcending heaven above

O beam of light most radiant:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O joy of chaste and virgin maids

surpassing all the angels:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


O brilliant light of heaven above

most clear and most radiant:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Commanding chief of heaven above

O holiest of holies

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


O ever-virgin Mary

O Mistress of creation:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Bride all-pure and spotless

O Lady all-holy:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


O holy Mary, Bride and Queen

O cause of our rejoicing

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O Maiden Queen most hon'rable

O Mother most holy

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


More precious than the cherubim

more glorious than the seraphim:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Surpassing principalities

dominions, thrones and powers:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


Rejoice, song of the cherubim

Rejoice, hymn of the angels:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, ode of the seraphim

and joy of the archangels:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


Rejoice, o peace; Rejoice, o joy

and haven of salvation: 

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O bridal chamber of the Word

unfading, fragrant blossom:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


Rejoice, delight of paradise

Rejoice, life everlasting: 

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Rejoice, o holy tree of life

and fount of immortality:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


I supplicate thee, Lady,

I humbly call upon thee:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

O queen of all, I beg thee

To grant me Thy favor:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


O spotless and most honored Maid,

O Lady all holy:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

I call upon thee fervently, 

Thou temple most holy:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!


O thou my help, deliver me

From harm and all adversity:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

And by thy prayers show me to be

An heir of immortality:

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

[Phonetic Greek]

Agní Parthéne


Agní Parthéne Déspina, 

Áhrante Theotóke,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Parthéne Mítir Ánassa, 

Panéndrose te póke.

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Ipsilotéra Uranón, 

aktínon lamprotéra,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Hará parthenikón horón, 

angélon ipertéra,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Eklamprotéra uranón 

fotós katharotéra,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Ton Uraníon stratión 

pasón agiotéra.

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.



María Aipárthene 

kósmu pantós Kiría,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Áhrante Nímfi Pánagne, 

Déspina Panagía

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


María Nímfi Ánassa, 

harás imón etía,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Korí semní Vasílissa, 

Mítir iperagía,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Timiotéra Heruvím, 


Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Ton asomáton Serafím, 

ton Thrónon ipertéra.

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Hére to ásma Heruvím, 

hére ímnos angélon,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Hére odí ton Serafím, 

hará tón Arhangélon,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Hére iríni ke hará, 

limín tis sotirías,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Pastás tu Lógu ierá, 

ánthos tis aftharsías,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Hére Parádise trifís, 

zoís te eonías,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Hére to xílon tis zoís, 

pigí athanasías.

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Se iketévo Déspina, 

Se, nin, epikalúme,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Se disopó Pantánassa, 

Sin hárin exetúme.

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Korí semní ke áspile, 

Déspina Panagía,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Thermós epikalúme Se, 

Naé igiasméne,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Antilavú mu, ríse 

me apó tu polemíu,

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.


Ke klironómon díxon 

me zoís tis eoníu.

Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.

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